Above the storm on wings like eagles

True peace is not the absence of turmoil or trouble, it’s the ability to fly above the storm like the eagle. We can learn a lot from the eagle.

In the last few, tumultuous weeks, the world as we knew it has changed. What has been building for years in secret, has finally begun to surface. Whether we like it or not, whether we agree with it or not, whether we can handle it or not.

Please enquire if you would like a Remnant t-shirt or hoodie

Please enquire if you would like a Remnant t-shirt or hoodie

I was in the grocery store just before lockdown getting the essentials, along with half the town. Many had several boxes of beer - and that was all. I stood in line, clutching my butter and inhaling tangible fear radiating from the people. When I finally got to the checkout, I could see the guy behind me trying to get a proper look at my t-shirt. The one with REMNANT and the cross printed on it. The one I felt the weight of wearing, on a normal day. He was subconsciously looking for some kind of lifeline. His spirit knew where hope was. In the cross. As I checked out my butter, I heard him talking to himself in a flippy kind of way, and I detected an unmistakable whiff of psychosis.

“It’s the end of the world. We’re all going to die!”
“Pardon?” I turned to him and said, “Did you say, ‘It’s the end of the world, we’re all going to die?’”
He was almost an empty suit, fear had completely overtaken him. The checkout operator was looking at me. The people in the line behind us were craning forward to see. “YES!”
Randomly I heard myself saying, “Have you ever heard of cellulitis?”
“NO!” He looked at me like I’d lost my grip.
“It’s what you get just before you die of blood poisoning…” then I quickly explained the time I got bitten by the wild cat, and how God healed me of very bad cellulitis. (Here’s the story). “I’m not scared of the virus, and even if I do get it, God will heal me.”

He was a bit flabbergasted, but tried to get his head around it. What choice did he have? Faith or fear. Choose one. We have to be ready, in season and out of season (2 Tim 4:2), and let me tell you - this is the season! We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). People are looking for answers! Eldridge Cleaver said, “There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem.”

This has been a massive shakeup, but it’s just the warmup. There’s much worse coming. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but better to hear it and get ready, than get caught napping and have to deal with it on the back foot.

FACT. We were all born for such a time as this because God knew He’s put something in each of us that He needs to bring about His answer to certain parts of the problem.
FICTION. Denial makes everything go away.
FACT. There are things that get in the way of us walking in the fullness of what He wants for us, and hinder the operation of our gifts and solutions.

Praise God, each day is another day closer to the Lord’s return. This is great news! The war has been won! We just have a few battles to survive in the meantime, and the biggest of those is with ourselves. More good news! We are the ones who can make the difference between winning them or losing them. But it takes work.

This time of seclusion is an awesome opportunity to look prayerfully at the things that hinder our walk with the Lord and the flow of His Spirit to fulfill His purposes in and through us. I’ve been working away at my stink attitudes and motives on a daily. Sometimes I feel like nothing is changing, but I’m determined to not give up working to align my actions and motives with those of God. We can’t even change ourselves, and that’s good, or else God wouldn’t get the glory, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Phil 4:13).

For there to be a resurrection, there needs to be a death. We must die to ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow Him. I highly recommend this very powerful, short message from Prophet Sadhu Sundar (18mins), to help with the evaluation. The other is this, VIP message from Mario Murillo.

Here’s an awesome article on what we can learn from the eagle by Carla Ibanzo. To summarise:

  • Eagles fly alone or with their own kind.

  • Eagles have excellent vision and concentration.

  • Eagles feed on live (fresh) food/meat (not milk!).

  • Eagles love the storm.

  • The eagle tests the level of commitment before engagement.

  • The eagle is a master of change management.

  • Rebirth involves death of the old-self.

Ray Curle’s excellent message, Promises for Those Who Overcome contains many powerful keys. Proverbs 10:5-7 says, “Know the importance of the season you’re in and a wise son you will be. But what a waste when an incompetent son sleeps through his day of opportunity!” Wisdom is to know the signs of the times (Matt 24), and be prepared. Trim your lamps! (Matt 25:7).

Let’s pray,

“Lord, thank You that I have been born for such a time as this! Thank you that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev 12:11). Father, forgive me for my sins, those of omission and my generational iniquity. Wash my bloodline clean, Father, right back to Adam in Jesus mighty name. Thank you, Father, that you have set eternity in the hearts of men (Ecc 3:11), and the harvest is ready but the workers are few (Matt 9:37). Lord, we pray for more workers for the harvest. Father, help me now to search my heart, and lead me in the way everlasting (Psa 139:24). Father, help me to die to myself, pick up my cross and follow You (Matt 16:24). Father, thank You for the divine destiny you have placed in me and prepared for me and the good works you have prepared in advance for me to do (Eph 2:10). Help me, Lord, to walk it out. Help me, Father, to walk out my salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12), and to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Thank you Father, that I am the head, and not the tail (Deut 28:13). Father, I thank You that one plus God, is a majority (Dan 11:31). In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Janet xox

If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and saviour, and want to, pray: 

“Lord, I surrender my life to You. I ask forgiveness for my sins. By faith I receive the gift of eternal life. I ask that You baptise me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for setting everything right between You and me. Show me the way forward with You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 

Congratulations, you’ve just made the most important decision of your life. Now ask God to show you a good church to be a part of, and bring the right people around you, and He will. 

If you’re not sure, and want to know if God is real, pray this (even quietly in your heart): 

“God, if you’re real, show Yourself to me.” 

Hear my story in podcast with Megan McChesney, Back from the Abyss

Visit janetbalcombe.com to learn more about my books, other blogs, or to connect with me. To see what else I’m up to, visit: wildsidetrust.org, wildsideministries.com and wildsidedesign.net


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! -2 Corinthians 5:17

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  -Romans 12:2

Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. -Ephesians 4:22-24