Catastrophe Causes Chaos

Len has a question that can’t wait till the group has settled round the table. 

“Why did God make beings that were capable of rebelling against Him?”


Suzy sits down beside her husband and speaks quietly, but firmly. 

“I think the answer has to do with the Kingdom principle of freedom. If they couldn’t choose to obey or not obey, they would have been puppets, not free beings.”

“That’s it. Kingdom principle. Makes sense.” Satisfied, Len takes his place at the table. 

“Studying this lesson gave me a lot to think about.” Mary opens her book and glances at the questions and her answers.  She continues, “Chaos, total chaos.”


Camilo joins in. “What a catastrophe. Just imagine, these two had only ever known complete happiness.” 

“So, what caused the chaos?” Anita’s question hangs in the air. 

“I’ve got the answer here.” Luke opens his Bible and reads Isaiah 59 verse 2. 

“Sin formed a division between God and man,” he explains. “They felt far away from the strong and infallible Person they had always relied on and trusted. They had always felt loved, understood, appreciated, fulfilled and completely happy. They had been in a perfect world with someone they could rely on.  

“So, what was the sin that formed the division?”

“Here, let me read this … it explains exactly what happened.”  Flor picks up her book and we all follow as she reads: 

“Adam in his soul made the decision to be under Satan’s rule. We understand that Adam’s brain was perfect. He had 100% use of his brain and not only that, his spirit was united to God and he could perceive the spiritual world. 

Instantly what had united him with God broke, and he experienced spiritual death. Spiritual death means separation. Now that he was separated from God, there was nothing he could do to re-unite with Him. Sin had entered to contaminate all creation. Just one decision that was not directed by God left him fallen short of the glory of God and incapable of saving himself.”  

“The relationship between Adam and Eve totally changed that day.” Henry strokes his beard thoughtfully. “All that happened to them that day was totally new to them. Even worse, they could no longer feel the presence of someone strong and totally dependable. They felt totally empty.”  

“This is the part that impacted me,” interrupts Fernando. “Listen to this.” 

“Each one finds the other is empty. On discovering this, their frustration drives them to despair. Neither is capable of filling the other’s void. Man and woman’s emotional and intellectual complement had lost its value. The body and the soul were now more important than the spirit.”

Luke frowns. “So that explains the problems in my marriage.  I’m beginning to understand why my ex never came up to my expectations!”

Several nod in agreement. 

“This next paragraph makes it even clearer.”  Camilo heaves a big sigh.

“Every human being inherits this void because he/she is born outside of God’s ideal and purposes and often even as a Christian he/she tries to fill the void with his/her spouse. It is easy to fall in love with someone when we feel that he or she is filling a void in our lives or when we fill a void in his or her life. But sooner or later we can’t fill the void anymore.”

“Here’s something to think about during this week,” concludes Anita.

“Personal relationships at every level are a desperate search to find someone or something to fill the void. With who, or with what, am I trying to fill the void in my life?” 


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